Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category

Restoration only comes by….

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

” Restoration does not come through understanding My Word says Yahuwah, ( the Lord) it comes by acting upon it; by living it with your entire being, every hour of every day.
You cannot choose to be anointed in certain situations and not in others. You will either live a Spirit filled Christ centered life or not. It cannot be half and half or now and then or ‘not in the company of those people’
My anointing is your protection. It is what separates you from the world. How else can you be ‘in ‘ the world but not ‘of’ it ? says Yahuwah ( The Lord).  You cannot just decide it is so and go your own merry way!. This will never work; separation can only be effective when My Spirit transcends the flesh.
The very second the flesh is in the ascendancy, you are back in the world and are susceptible to all of the danger it holds. This is an inner work and not something for show and adornment. The enemy will know of you soon enough, but seek the safety of the flock until the time is right.
It is by design that at first glance all sheep look exactly the same. To the shepherd they are all different and they all have their unique attributes and he can call upon any of them at any time  and they will always respond to his voice.
This is always true unless they have strayed too far and are no longer in earshot. If My actions were not sudden and often overwhelming, they would hardly seem miraculous, and the things surrounding them would not create the impact that is My design says Yahuwah.( the Lord)
Only through the eyes of the anointing  will you truly be able to recognize the opportunities that are being presented, so maintain the mantle and be vigilant. Be sure to nurture one another and encourage one another  when the burden seems unreasonable, as it will seem to at times. Remember that My burden is never more than you can cope with so just rejoice in the fact that each of you has been selected says Yahuwah ( the Lord)
Stay in my anointing, dream dreams , hear My Words and live joyously says Yahuwah.
There is much work to do and much yet to learn, but the time is now to start being effective in the spiritual realm. Be prepared to find yourselves living a new kind of life and finally realizing what it means to be ‘in’ the world and not ‘of’ it.
My most powerful blessings are available for your fruit, says the Lord whose name is Yahuwah.

Be fruitful and please Me  and you will move on to the next level you are seeking.”

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Step Forward into your Purpose

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

Today’s message encourages you to step forward into the things that you have been called to do , your “purpose‘ for being here. If you don’t know what it is, ASK! There is also a short prayer that you can use to help make a difference in the lives of others as you go about your day.

“Step forward in into the things that I have called you to do says Yahuwah (The Lord) and I will make the way for you. I will open the floodgates to an abundant flow of resources which will allow you to move at a rapid pace and make up for lost time. I will restore to you the things that you should have already received but did not, because of your disobedience. I will restore them to you because My love for you is absolute and unwavering. The only reason the flow stops, is when you block it through your actions. I have already purposed it, I am never double minded, but if you are, it invalidates My decisions and creates a barrier between us.

You can always erect a barrier between us by your words and actions. I never remove such barriers unless I am asked to do so says the Lord of Hosts, because they represent free choice. Having such choices is what makes the possibilities for mankind so rich and exciting. Choose wisely”.


“ Almighty Loving Father of all creation, anoint my tongue so that the words that come from it will be words of wisdom, words of encouragement and words that speak Your love and Your power into people’s hearts. May those words unblock the ears and the eyes of people to give them even a glimpse of Your truth. May those words sear deep enough to make a gateway into their spirits so that a seed may be dropped in. May You reveal to me those that have a dormant seed already in place that I may speak one droplet of Living Water into that seed that will cause it to sprout, Amani YAH (Amen)”Share This Post


Friday, August 27th, 2010

The Lord had us read Psm 1 and then gave us this Word:

” In other words, do not take advice and guidance from unrighteous persons says the Lord.
A righteous person is one who walks in the way of the Lord. A person who acts in a “certain way”.
An unrighteous person is by default a wicked person. There is no middle ground says the Lord. You are either righteous or not. Wicked or not.
Just as a man cannot serve both God and mammon, he cannot be both righteous and wicked.
The council of the wicked can never lead to righteousness. If you are a righteous person, who does stand in the council of the wicked, it does not turn you into a wicked person, it simply makes your righteousness ineffective. When your righteousness is ineffective, the Lord cannot bless you, hence ‘blessed is the man who does not stand in the council of the wicked’.
By the same token ; blessed is NOT the man who stands in the council of the wicked. So, who are the wicked? Are they demonic looking people with horns sticking out of their heads? How do you spot them? It’s simple, they are the opposite of the righteous. So by the very fact that they are not righteous, they have to be wicked. So the easiest way to know if they are righteous is what?
Their fruit.
Matt 7:16 ‘ by their fruit you will recognize them’  So it is a very simple discerment. The fruit being produced by people will immediately tell you if they are righteous or not. You cannot make a judgement, for it is not your place to judge, but you can make an observation based on your knowledge of the truth. The Lord did not say  ’don’t be in the presence of the wicked’. You cannot be a light to the world by avoiding it.
The key is not to mastermind with or take advice from unrighteous people. Your primary council is the Holy Spirit says the Lord.
Having said all this, you are entirely responsible for your own fruit. You cannot point fingers or blame others for the fruit in your own life. Whatever circumstances and conditions have blossomed in your life, have been caused by the seeds that you have allowed to be planted.
You must take responsibility for that crop. Just as the farmer who gets an unsatisfactory result, if there is fruit that you don’t want to repeat, you must start over. Tear out that fruit and discard it. Thus eliminate that thought and behavior.  Prune that tree back to the roots- now start adding food ,the Word, to those roots. Shine life giving light , through the Holy Spirit, onto that tree, nurture it with righteousness and expect a bumper crop of big fruit that is sweet to the taste, life giving and attractive to others. So much so that they will want to know how to get some for themselves. And so the truth will spread and the number of those walking in righteousness will multiply.
What is my fruit?
I have provided a complete formula which you have never completely followed says the Lord. As you know there is no condemnation from Me, just disappointment at the undeveloped potential. The formula is your guide. Like any other ‘recipe’, if you do not use it or you miss out certain ingredients, it DOES NOT work. Your body works to a formula. Suppose it says today ‘ well I guess I won’t bother with the breathing today’ what would happen? Precisely , every part of the formula has to be applied to make it function and bear fruit.
My Formula will keep you on track. That way , you are standing in MY council and not that of the wicked. Do not concern yourself with times or schedules. Do concern yourself with right thinking followed by right actions.
As I have said before many times, everything is spiritual. The spiritual battle is waged at a vibrational level. Your WORDS and THOUGHTS set up that vibration. So again; prayer ( spoken thoughts) is your ONLY weapon in that realm. Use it UNceasingly. Pray without ceasing. It requires total focus and constant  remembrance of its importance.
Every inclination towards anger takes you away from your connection with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not function in an environment that is hostile. By allowing others to evoke bitterness or anger, you are cheating yourself from the power of your divine connection. When anger or similar feelings arise, recognize them immediately for what they are, the fleshly worldly side of your nature attempting to gain control of your thoughts and actions causing you to behave in an ungodly manner.
Apply the TRUTH to the situation ‘ what does the Word of the Lord say?’ Once you have meditated on that , the way forward will be clearly defined.
Everything you do must be done from a standpoint of love. The enemy cannot abide in an atmosphere of love. Acting in love is an ‘act of resistance’. It is taking the very essence of evil and pushing it away with a force so powerful, it wins every time. God IS love. Take steps every day to demonstrate the love of God to people.
By focussing on the spiritual connection with the Lord, you can slow time down. Things do not ‘rush by’ in the supernatural like they do in the natural. The goal is not to live a supernatural life hidden away from the world, but to live it in the midst of the chaos, providing a calming loving influence.”


SPIRIT ( ‘unite My Spirit to yourselves every minute of every day’)
CROSS ( Take up your cross – carry it at ALL times.Where do you find the cross? The burden of the cross is in My Word”)
WORD ( now embrace it. Let it DWELL in you and you will become My instruments”)
ACTION ( now that you have entered into the fulness of the Word, can you go into righteous action that will produce seeds of righteousness , that will cause a harvest that God will bless)
SEEDS IN GREATER MEASURE ( following the steps in this way will now create abundant seed, and that will lead to rewards)
REWARDS ( God looks at what your actions on earth produced that will be of lasting treasure and that will be the only ‘currency’ that He will reward)
KINGDOM ( Man’s righteous works by the Spirit of God working through man, will be on the foundation of the Blood of Christ for great rewards in the Kingdom) I Cor 3: 10-20

To take any piece ‘out’ or to ‘jump’ to another piece, will never bring the righteous FULLNESS that our Father desires. This is His heart in following His plan and with the strength He provides, we shall be made perfect by His Word.

AmenShare This Post


Saturday, August 21st, 2010

The Lord told us early on that we wee to keep “Refreshing times”. These were to be times during the day where we re-connect with Him to ensure that the things of the world are not distracting us from the true path.

” Be careful to use the refreshing times properly. They are designed to help you keep filled with the power of My Spirit through the course of the day. It is like leaving home for the day and never again thinking of your beloved until you return home at night? Would you let that happen?

Of course not. What happens in reality is that you call by telephone regularly to check that everything is OK, so that you re-connect with your loved one and feel close to them again. You know how it feels to you when you cannot make that connection? You know how it feels when you do not have access to a telephone for communication?

This communication is vital as it nurtures your love for each other and it shows one that the other one cares for them. Well My son, so it is with the Holy Spirit. The refreshing times that I gave you are like your telephone, you must use them. It is important that these times are used in the correct manner, they are not for fellowship or feeding of the earthly body, they are for nuturing your relationship with My Holy Spirit, getting the answers for the next challenges, re-filling the wisdom tanks so that your decisions will be Godly and wise. They are for the increase of the anointing, so that you will achieve your goals, for the day, even exceed them.

Every day plan your refreshing times first then plan everything else around them. I have provided for you the power of My Spirit. It makes no sense to proceed forward with your own fuel when there is so much more available to you.”

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Saturday, August 21st, 2010

” The time for maturing has come says the Lord. There is no longer need for you to partake of the pleasures of the children of the world.

In My Word and Spirit lay all delights. In My instruction and path that I have prepared are all opportunities for a blessed and joyous life.

You will find greater peace, happiness and contentment than from any path you have trodden previously. There is much work to be done, but I will be your strength. Delight in the labours and I will add all joy to you.

You will be as a young child again, eager to awake each day and to again embrace the work I have prepared for you. Seek more after My wisdom and I will show you the clear way and will not lead you astray into distraction.

Please Me with your offerings of faith and of obedience. In your service and trust I find much delight. Strive towards Holiness for it overwhelms the world and in it My victory is perfect. The power of true faith is so great but few exercise it properly for the fears and worries that they allow into their minds weaken the effect.

Strengthen your minds by filling them with the Spirit of the living God through My inspired and infallible Word. People overlook the importance of My word and in that lies the power of the enemy . The enemy cannot stand in the presence of My Word that is so powerful it can move mountains.

Let My words be your words, speak it forth, fill your hearts, minds and your dwelling place constantly with My word. Give your music offerings as a fragrance to My spirit who takes comfort it such things.

A mighty time is unfolding, there are many trials ahead for My people. The spirit filled soldiers of the Most High Lord will rise above these trials and become a lampstand of example to those that are struggling.

Remove all the hooks of this world, they are your enemy. You cannot go boldly forward in your race with the hooks of the enemy constantly pulling at you and slowing or even stopping your progress.

Wash yourselves in My Word. Speak out My Word. Communicate with My spirit at all times

Speak only anointing to each other for all else is not of Me. Turn every thought over to My Spirit. Do not make so much noise that you cannot hear My voice, listen carefully”

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Saturday, August 21st, 2010

“As I have said before, many times, everything is spiritual says the Lord. The spiritual battle is waged at a vibrational level. Your WORDS and THOUGHTS set up that vibration. So again- prayer ( spoken thoughts) is your ONLY weapon in that realm. Use it UNceasingly. Pray without ceasing. It requires total focus and constant remembrance of its importance.”

Every inclination towards anger takes you away from your connection with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not function in an environment that is hostile. By allowing others to evoke bitterness or anger, you are cheating yourself from the power of your divine connection. When anger or similar feelings arise, recognize them immediately for what they are, the fleshly worldly side of your nature attempting to gain control of your thoughts and actions causing you to behave in an ungodly manner.

Apply the TRUTH to the situation ‘ what does the Word of the Lord say?” Once you have meditated on that , the way forward will be clearly defined.

Everything you do must be done from a standpoint of love. The enemy cannot abide in an atmosphere of love. Acting in love is an ‘act of resistance’. It is taking the very essence of evil and pushing it away with a force so powerful, it wins every time. God IS love. Take steps every day to demonstrate the love of God to people.

By focusing on the spiritual connection with the Lord, you can slow time down. Things do not ‘rush by’ in the supernatural like they do in the natural. The goal is not to live a supernatural life hidden away from the world, but to live it in the midst of the chaos, providing a calming loving influence “

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Do not leave these things to chance

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

There is no secret to receiving an anointing. You do not need a special man to give it to you or a special reason to receive it. I alone choose whom I anoint. It gives Me pleasure to anoint those that least expect it. I anoint people that will not waste My gifts, but that means the distractions of this world must not be allowed to creep in and take control or I will withdraw My anointing as I have done many times already. When this happens, all that is left is an empty side show. Be warned lest you tread the same path.

Pray for your family and for your loved ones, for only through fervent prayer can the result you desire be obtained. Do not leave these things to chance. You must build up your following of petitioners before Me. When the weight of the evidence falls in your favour, I will grant your desire. If you shrink back before pressing through for the result, I will not. How can a reward be gained by a racer that quits before the end of a race? It does not matter how quickly or how hard he runs at the beginning, if he does not run on till the end and break the tape, everything else, all the effort was for nothing.”

Hebrews 4:14        2 John:8

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